The 6th annual on-property bull sale account Ann-Marie Collins, Kenmere Charolais, Holbrook saw average of $4565 realised from 23 bulls sold from 42 offered. Repeat buyers showed confidence in the beef industry and returned to make their selections from a very well presented catalogue. Top price at $7000 was paid twice – one bull going to Emerald, Queensland and purchased through AuctionsPlus while the second bull was purchased by Darren Crawford, Muttama. Mr Crawford’s selection, a son of Kenmere Chock was in the top five percent for rib and rump fat.

Other good prices included another son of Kenmere Chock bought by V.A and J.L Ross, Jannali, Holbrook for $6000 and his figures included top one percent for calving ease and birthweight and top five percent for domestic and export indexes. F.M and J McCormack, Mansfield, Victoria added Kenmere Nelius to their sire list for $5000; C.J and P.M Korpershoek, Stanley, Tasmania took home Kenmere Newton for $5000 and Woolshed Creek Pastoral, Markwood, Vic paid $5000 for their choice, a young sire who was in the top five percent for calving ease. The other $5000 purchase was made by D Hortin, Bullioh, Vic who selected Kenmere Napoleon for his figures of top five percent for calving ease and rib and rump fat.

Volume buyers included Wongabel Pastoral Co, who paid $4000 average for three bulls, S Vassie who bought two at $4500 and $4000 and T.R Martin, Bethanga, Vic who bought two at $4000 average price. Speaking after the sale Ms Collins expressed appreciation for the interest in the offering and noted buyers were making judicious selections. “They were looking for the soft, fleshy types,” she said. “It was also satisfying to see strong local interest along with sales to Tasmania and Queensland.” Source: The Land

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