New and repeat buyers from Queensland and New South Wales snapped up Angus and Charolais bulls at the annual DSK bull sale held near Coonabarabran on Thursday. Formerly held at the Gunnedah saleyards, Chris Know and Helen Alexander brought the sale back on-property to “Borah Creek” this year and showcased their catalogue through a video sale. “With only the two of us here, it takes all day to feed every animal. Having the sale here saved us and the bulls traveling to Gunnedah and allowed buyers to see how well they are doing in their own environment” said Mr Knox in his opening sale remarks.

15 Charolais bulls from 23 sold to a top of $6000 and averaged $4333. A Temana Gold Logie son with red factor, DSK TGL Mitch M44E, topped the Charolais draft selling to James Millner, Rosedale Charolais, Blayney for $6000. From DSK Wendy C31E, a top matron in the DSK herd with a stellar show career, the 26 month old poll bull weighed 912 kilograms and measured a scrotal of 38 centimeters.  The Millner family purchased M44E’s full brother a couple of years ago and were impressed with his first drop of calves. “It’s hard to find dark red factor bulls” said Mr Millner. “He is a good, thick, long fella that will go into our composite program” The Millners join around 150 females in their black composite program annually and find the Charolais bring growth, muscle and yield to the table which combines well with the marbling, and finishing ability of the British bred cows.

Bruce and Jo Russell, “Brubri” Manilla returned to select four DSK Charolais bulls for $4000 each. The Russell’s run a Santa / Hereford cow operation using DSK Charolais bulls as terminal sires. “They select for heavy muscle, soft, fleshy bulls that Knoxy produces” said Patrick Purtle, Purtle Plevey Agencies, Manilla. “Their cattle do well and adapt well with a strong portion of the progeny selling through the Gunnedah Saleyards where they have a following and attract a premium because they perform well on feed” added Mr Purtle.

Chris Knox and Helen Alexander were both pleased and appreciative of the support this year’s sale attracted. “We knew it would be tough because we are in the toughest season we’ve seen but we must be doing something right to have clients return and new ones turn up” said Mr Knox.  The sale was settled by Landmark Gunnedah with Peter Godbolt as the Auctioneer and Purtle Plevey Agencies, Manilla assisting to conduct the sale.

Caption: Back: Patrick Purtle, Purtle Plevey Agencies, Manilla: Chris Knox, DSK; James Millner, Rosedale Charolais, Blayney; Helen Alexander, DSK. Front: Scott Cooper, Landmark Gunnedah; Samuel Plevey, Manilla with the top priced Charolais bull.

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