Click here for the Pedigree information
Go our Facebook page for the video of Venturon Clementine Q11E
Charolais breeders have access to a golden opportunity. Venturon Livestock are supporting the Black Dog Ride renowned for raising awareness of Mental Health. In rural areas, mental health can be a taboo topic. Andrew, Anne and Harris Thompson have opened up their herd and selected the very best to support Black Dog Ride by raising awareness and supporting fundraising. Venturon rarely release females from their program. The most recent was Venturon Gorgeous at the Special Sister Sale in 2009 who went on to win Grand Champion Female at Sydney Royal and breed successfully for DSK Charolais. Venturon have selected Venturon Clementine Q11E who was the calf at foot of the Adelaide Royal grand champion and sired by SVY Grizzly 521C. This poll heifer appeals to all that see her and her pedigree reflects the leading edge of the Venturon herd.
Venturon Clementine Q11 was scheduled to be auctioned live at the World Congress Sale in August. With the cancellation of this event the Thompson Family have offered to flush Clementine Q11E to two cutting edge sires and offer six (6) embryos packages comprising three embryos each. Five will be available on a first in best dressed basis and one package will be auctioned at the Sydney Royal show 2021.
The packages on offer will comprise three frozen embryos from two leading sires. One embryo will be sired by Canadian sire, HRJ Fan Favourite 804F. Exclusive to Venturon 804F is homozygous poll and red factor. Two embryos will be sired by Silverstream Manhattan, a leading sire from the heart of Silverstream and also homozygous. The Fan Favourite embryo is frozen already and the Manhattan embryos will be produced in early 2021 after Clementine Q11E calves out.
What an opportunity, support a great cause that is particularly relevant to the rural industry and enhance your breeding program with outcross poll genetics.
Sale conditions:
For further information please contact Peter Milton or the Charolais Society or Venturon Livestock