Moongool Charolais had a great day in the Ekka Charolais ring, taking out grand champion bull for 2023, while a cow exhibited by Amy Whitechurch took top spot in the female judging. Moongool Slingshot, exhibited by Keddstock Pty Ltd, Yuleba, was named senior champion bull, before trumping stablemate and junior champion bull Moongool Trademark, to take home the grand champion ribbon. The 28-month-old champion weighed in at 1076 kilograms, with an eye muscle area of 147 square centimetres, and P8 and rib fat measurements of 12 and nine millimetres, respectively. Amy Whitechurch, a Youth member from Inverell, NSW, exhibited grand champion female 4 Ways Refine R32E to take out grand champion female. Judge was Mr Scott Dunlop, Dunlop Santa Gertrudis stud, Proston Queensland judged the 80 exhibits.
Junior champion bull: Moongool Trademark, Keddstock Pty Ltd, Yuleba.
Reserve junior champion bull: Advance Tango T1, SB and KL Smith, Allora.
Junior champion female: Moongool Radical 30, Keddstock, Pty Ltd, Yuleba.
Reserve junior champion female: Clearview Actress 4, Clearview Charolais, Mount Walker.
Senior champion bull: Moongool Slingshot, Keddstock Pty Ltd, Yuleba.
Reserve senior champion bull: Moongool Stagecoach, Keddstock Pty Ltd, Yuleba.
Senior champion female: 4 Ways Refine R32E, Amy Whitechurch, Inverell, NSW.
Reserve senior champion female: Lilydale Norah 14, Ross Stricklen, Lilydale.
Grand champion bull: Moongool Slingshot, Keddstock Pty Ltd, Yuleba.
Grand champion female: 4 Ways Refine R32E, Amy Whitechurch, Inverell, NSW.
Moongool Slingshot (P), Senior & Grand Champion Bull
4 Ways Refine R32E, Senior & Grand Champion Female