The Monto Annual All Breeds bull sale saw a top of $15,000 on 12th September 2020. Offering 79 bulls from 26 vendors, the sale achieved a 96 per cent clearance rate for an average of $6894. In the Charolais section five Charolais bulls sold for the top average of $9600 and 100pc clearance, reaching the equal second-top price of the sale. Glenlea Charolais sold a draft of Charnelle Louis sons to a top of $14,000 for lot 69 Glenlea Louis P34 (P) (pictured) to Rockview Cattle Co, “Rockview’ Bluff Qld. The Glenlea draft averaged $12,250. Mountview Charolais averaged $9,250 for their two sires offered. Read the full sale report at QCL: Click Here
Caption: Sale topper Glenlea Louis P34 (P) offered by Rod Binny, Glenlea Charolais.