VISION 2020 incorporating the Charolais National Youth Stampede and the Murray Grey Youth Show.
UPDATE 17th March 2020: The Murray Grey Society and Charolais Society of Australia advise Vision 2020, the combined youth shows scheduled for April have been postponed until further notice. The Societies have taken on board the current Covid19 environment and after careful evaluation decided proceeding with the event is not a viable option at this time. Taking the current framework our government and health officials are advocating we feel this postponement is the responsible course of action. We understand this is disappointing for the entrants and the Societies remain committed to hosting this event in the future. When we have clarity on the Covid 19 status here in Australia a new date will be set to proceed with this exciting venture for both Societies.
Location Wodonga Victoria
Dates: 16th to 18th April 2020
Contact the Charolais office for more information.
For entry conditions Click Here