The strength of the cattle market was evident at the Kilkenny Charolais and Emjay Charbrays Bull Sale on Friday, with demand from commercial producers pushing the sale to a high of $15,000. More than 120 bid cards were registered and bidding remained fierce through the entirety of the catalogue, with all 94 bulls sold for a 100 per cent clearance rate to achieve an average of $8276 – up from $4737 in 2019. Commercial producers Craig Dakin and Robyn Hayes, Gunalda, purchased two sons of Wakefield Home Boy B1S H374E, including the top-priced sire prospect Kilkenny P11E offered by Michael Lawlor. Running 300 Brahman cows across 400 hectares of agisted country, this is the Dakin family’s first foray into Charolais genetics. “We sell weaners straight off the cow through the Gympie Saleyards and these guys (Charolais) are always easy to sell. Kilkenny Charolais sold 47 bulls for an average of $8276 and Wayne and Lesley Davis, Barambah-Dale Charolais, sold all 26 bulls for a top of $13,000 and average of $8288. (Report and Images source courtesy QCL)
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