Western Australian breeders bought a great set of cattle to the Perth Royal for the consideration of Judge Nicole Nicholls, Tookawhile Charolais, Rukenvale NSW. Junior and grand champion bull was Liberty National Treasure, a well developed poll red fact or bull sired by Silverstream Geddes. This bull at 18 months weighed 870kg and scanned an 136cm2 EMA. National Treasure went on to be awarded grand champion and supreme Charolais exhibit before winning the Interbreed Junior Champion bull. He was also a member of the Liberty Charolais team that won the Interbreed Group of Three Bulls. Reserve junior champion bull was Venturon New Design (P) exhibited by Venturon Livestock. Venturon exhibited the junior champion female Venturon Natural Beauty (P) sired by Venturon Keystone (P). Reserve junior heifer was Liberty New Romantics.
Senior and grand champion female was Elgin Park Californian Girl exhibited by the Quilty Family. Californian Girl had previously won Supreme Exhibit at Perth Royal as a heifer and was sired by Merit Roundup 850W. This female then went on to win the Interbreed Senior champion Female. Venturon had reserve senior with their Venturon Hillary.
Main photo: Judge Nicole Nicholls, Robin and Morgan Yost with the Supreme Exhibit Liberty National Treasure (P)(RF).
Liberty National Treasure, Junior & Grand Champion Bull, Supreme Charolais Exhibit & Interbreed Junior Champion Bull.
Elgin Park Californian Girl, Senior & Grand Champion Female and Interbreed Senior Champion Female