A young cow on her first calf Moongool Radical 26 exhibited by the Price Family capped off a great Beef Australia being awarded Interbreed Champion Female (Feature image). This was a repeat for the Moongool stud after winning the same award in 2018. In Charolais judging Moongool Radical 26 was sashed senior and later grand champion female. Exhibited with a stylish heifer calf at foot, Moongool Radical 26 is by the imported sire Flabas from a Moongool female family. She was earlier reserve junior champion female at the 2019 Ekka, and caught judge Reade Radel and associate Justin Rhode’s attention saying they thought ‘she was a cracking female’.
Success continued for the Price family when the powerful bull 4 Ways Quantum exhibited by 4 Ways Charolais, Inverell, NSW was sashed senior and grand champion bull. Quantum, who was on his first showing is by Moongool Lunar, was bought by the Whitechurch family at the 2017 Moongool bull sale for $83,000, which is still the Australian breed record top price at auction. Quantum was impressive at 1050 kilograms, scans of 15 at the P8 site and 9 at the rib and an eye muscle area of 145cm square. Mr Radel said Quantum was a clear winner with his strength and performance and was hard to go past him.
Overall Mr Radel praised all exhibitors for the quality showing and said the Charolais breeders were leading the way with breeding polled genetics.
Judge: Reade Radel
Associate: Justin Rohde
No. of exhibits: 74
Calf champion male: River Run Rocketman,Tania Haines, Linville
Reserve calf champion male: Brendale Ridley, Brendale Charolais, Marburg
Calf champion female: Brendale Hayley 16 (P), Brendale Charolais, Marburg
Reserve calf champion female: Glenlea Isabella 14th, Roderick Binney, Dorrigo, NSW
Junior champion bull: Veejay Downs Quartermaster (P), James Pisaturo, Dingo
Reserve junior champion bull: 4 Ways MLR Qupid, David, Lynette, Blake and Amy Whitechurch, Inverell, NSW
Junior champion female: Glenlea Mandy 2nd, Roderick Binney, Dorrigo, NSW
Reserve junior champion female: Glenlea Confidence 32nd, Roderick Binney, Dorrigo, NSW
Senior champion bull: 4 Ways Quantum, 4 Ways Charolais, Inverell, NSW
Reserve senior champion bull: Glenlea Pheonix (P) (RF) Roderick Binney, Dorrigo, NSW
Senior champion female: Moongool Radical 26, Price family, Yuleba
Reserve senior champion female: 4 Ways Avoca N21E, 4 Ways Charolais, Inverell, NSW
Grand champion bull: 4 Ways Quantum, 4 Ways Charolais, Inverell, NSW
Grand champion female: Moongool Radical 26, Price family, Yuleba